Wobble has to do with the flex in the frame. If someone was holding the frame while you were jumping on it, they would feel the frame moving moving as you hit the mat. The most expenisve ones have very little movement and don't absorb nearly as much energy so that the person can get a higher more smooth bounce.

If not using it for gymnastic training and just for backyard fun, many people don't see the need to buy a frame that is rated for the least wobble. For those looking to get more bounces per minute and to bounce more for health benefits, wobble is actually preferred. It is not about the height or amount of G force as much, it is more about the repitition. Better workouts are also done on the ones that have more flex as their are less free bounces and the muscles have to work harder to keep the momentum as the frame absorbs a portion of it.

Minimally wobbling frames definitely give a smoother ride and is a more enjoyable bounce. Note that I am not talking about the wobble from having the trampoline on uneven ground where one of the legs is slightly above ground and every time you bounce the trampoline rocks every time. Its like having a table where one of the legs teeter totters and I have to all the server over to put some duck tape or card board under one of the feet.

Please see my Frame Page. It will give you an idea of how to pick out a frame that has lots of wobble or minimal wobble if you prefer it. Go to my Frame page here.

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...because they all said they have the best quality and bounce
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