This is for peopel that are confused about free bounces. Some jumpers want more free bounces and others need more tensile strength.

Gaining free bounces are only good if they are needed to do certain stunts and acrobats. Parents that don't want their kids to bounce safe and not to high and have more control and stability will usually prefer models that give less free bounces.

If someone wants more free bounces, the more porous the mat the more free bounces it will give as more air flow doesn't get blocked and slows the mat down. For those wanting to burn more calories and get more cardio, a laminated mat is usually preferred. 

On a trampoline type that gives the most free bounces per joule of energy put into the bounce, once the free bounces haven't been used up yet the bouncer is pretty much jumping with momentum and inertia behind them. There is less control but the amount of air time and potential to do stunts is increased way beyond a motel that is laminated that doesn't let air through the mat.

For those that want to use body strength instead of relying on free bounces to the the work for them, a model with more IT (initial tension) will usually provide more control. If someone is first starting to get into the hobby of trampolining, knowing the agility and balance of the person is usually recommended. A person that is not strong in their leg muscles will almost always prefer the trampolines that give the most free bounces.

​If you have questions about finding a trampoline that offers less or more free bounces, let me know. I am happy to discuss the differences in the different types. The last thing I want is someone to have to pay a restocking fee and return their trampoline. I have never heard of anyone letting you return a trampoline just becuase you didn't like it if there was not a flaw in it. It is hard to rely on someone else unless they have personal experience with people who have bounced at a certain person's weight, knows their strength capabilities, agility and many other factors. I urge people to take one of my trampoline quizes below. I will help pick out the best one based on the answers you choose.

Take the Trampoline Quiz based on your needs

...because they all said they have the best quality and bounce
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