​The most popular octogon is the 15 foot octagon trampoline in this category. Depending on the size, the best bounce in an octogon trampoline has 120 springs and at least 9 inch to 10 inch springs. They should also be no lower than 1.1 inches in diameter. It should be in this proportion depending on if the size is smaller or bigger.

The octagon trampolines are just a step in the right direction from a round. Defined sides increases balance of the round models and adds more hieght but not more than a rectangle one. The sweet spot is also larger than the typical round one too and the bounces are more consistant giving more control over the bounce but just not as much as the rectangle ones.

The octogon trampolines do not pull people as much into the center as harshly as the round trampolines do.
The defined sides on an octagon trampoline also helps reduce the effects multi bouncers that have on each other. Octagon trampolines can be junky also. I watch out for spring size and the number of frame pieces especially with these models. As these can give higher bounce than a round trampoline, make sure the weight is always a little higher than the circular models with the same length of the entire trampoline. A 12 foot octagon trampoline should weight more than a 12 foot round trampoline.

See the new 2013 Arc Air OCTAGON Trampoline here. 

If you need help picking out an octagon trampoline, let me know on my quiz. Take one of my quizes below.

Take the Trampoline Quiz based on your needs

...because they all said they have the best quality and bounce
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