Canada VS USA manufactures (I will discuss China manufacturers later, a whole different story)
Before buying, know what to expect when buying in and out of your country.
If the company is located outside the states, if you live here in the USA, expect different service than if you lived there, such as Canada or Australia, especially if the warranty service is located in a different country.
(PLEASE GET ALL WARRANTIES IN WRITING before you get a trampoline. Know how long they ahve been in business so you know the warranty is good and the company is not a private label company that can go out of business next week.
Know if you have to ship the broken part back to Canada or the USA and where their service centers are. It sucks when you have to wait longer because they are so far away or you have to pay for shipping out of the country.
There are many other scams to look out for that I won't say are necessarily scams unless you weren't advised. Many times people think they were scammed when they weren't told all the limitations of their new trampoline.
The reason I have my quiz is to isolate most of the issues so people won't return their trampoline and buy the right one the first time.
I pretty much know if something sounds fishy or not. Many trampolines are discounted and there is usually a reason. Steel and materials used for trampolines have a market value. The raw ingredients that go into a trampoline are never discounted as they are commodities. Time and labor is a fixed cost that go into the trampoline. If something is cheap, it could have great materials used but cheap labor and quality control or it can have cheap materials and super quality engineering. This usually has a great bounce at first but shortly loses it and soon goes bunk. Thats basically what I hear from the stories of people who got too excited at first and bought something they thought was quality and was going to stay that quality.
Take one of my trampoline quizes below and I will try my best to help.
The un-talked about complaint
Just be prepared!
Scam: Trampolines with lots and lots of springs but with low tensile strength, high coil count but too lightweigth, and lengthy springs with cheap alloy steal. Only smaller springs that are made with high carbon steal can negate the low quality of the same looking ones that are cheap. There is a reason that some springs have a year warranty and others oever that.
Scam: Some springs don't break but lose their tensile strength within the warranty period and the trampoline manufacture who imports those springs didn't replace them as it wasn't a defect. They told me it was "normal wear and tear" and that heavier people will stretch out the springs more and they wouldn't replace them. Well, I wouldnt be pissed if they would of told me ahead of time. From now one I want to know the exact rating of its tensile stregth of its steal, not, "oh, we have strong steal springs. Get a life. Again, the same reason I had to make this site.
I won't mention brands as this is not about branding but the tnings that can be totally controlled by the users but have to do with static from different brands. Some get staticy more if in humidity, the skin is dry, and the personal make up of the body on the mat. Some people wear synthetic fibers in their clothing, others don't. I don't usually get the complaints with Permatron mats and if its realy a problem, you can incubate the springs that
The way the trampoline is grounded also makes a difference too. Basically, if the trampoline is gounded you probably won't get shocked. Ask any valet car driver if there are some cars that shock you every time you get outside and step on teh concrete and then touch the door to close it. You get zapped. Other cars you don't get shocked at all. There is areason. Its called having your products grounded. Some people even get grounding mats to put their trampoline on so this problem doesn't happen. I hate getting shocked and know when I get off anything or anyone I touch is gonna get shocked by me too.