Take the Trampoline Quiz based on your needs
Here are the most popular questions I get:

Whether to have an enclosure?
Debatable. Some trampoline experts I've talked to disagree as it provides a false sense of security, which encourages people to start doing more risky stunds and wild behavior (usually kids that end up getting injured even with a safety enclosure), (most common with young boys who  areusing the enclosure like a wrestling ring, bouncing off the net as if were a UFC octogon. I have heard stories from parents about some kids even put on boxing gloves and helments and fight in there etc). This doesn't get kids to develop that same kind of spacial awareness they otherwise would without an enclosure. An enclosure is ideal for very young children. It essentially transforms the tramp into a giant play pen, so parents can feel more comfortable having young kids safe from wondering off the edge. 

After all, the enclosures help prevent accidents resulting from bouncing and falling off the trampoline. They do not make the act of jumping on a trampoline any safer though. It often makes it more dangerous again as most parents say to me that it encourages more reckless behavior in those age groups.

What are the diference between round/octagon/rectangular

See Round & rectagular, the octagon pages I have created. There is too much information to briefly say it. I spent a lot fo time dissecting these and researching. I hope I have simplified it.

Spring or rod??

That's a whole other debate. I've dealt with them on my stilts. They have their ups & downs, just like the spring models have their pros and cons. Just like some people buy bungee cord trampolines and hate them and want the spring models and don't listen to my quiz recommendations, others buy the spring and return them and buy the bungee and end up loving it. Just like on my spring stilts site (JumpStiltsReviewed.com) I have lots of experience with fiberglass rod springs way before making this site. I have the same debate on that site, carbon springs versus fiberglass. I like the fiberglass hands down. Depending on the weight of the person and the bounce style, the G forces comes from different parts of the fiberglass rods when I bounce. If I feel that based on the answers someone gives on my quiz that a spring model would be my recomendation, I will recommend it. If your needs require something else, then I will recommend that.

Rod ones take the longest to set up and take down, especially with feet. It takes quiet a few more tools and more phyiscally challenging but the are way worth it even fi you have to change the fiberglass rods as the UV coating wears away with age. I put Duck tape on mine. The UV coating on the roads helps so they don't crack and lose its IT (initial tension). Trampoline enthusiasts will spend that time putting it together but its just one after noon, so I don't see the problem. Everyone wants a quick fix and something that can be put together in minutes. Think of it like putting together a puzzle.Many hardware stores have people that can do it for you. I usually tip them for helping me out.

Why does my trampoline bounce tootally different than it did at the store?
This goes back to set up. Everyone is so anxious to get it together when the kids are anxious and begging their parents to hurry. Any trampoline can be set up wrong. Some trampolines are easier to set up and more strait forward to follow the instructions. Warranties or returns are not accepted usually if it was put together wrong. I like easy to read instructions that get to the point and not so much to read. I have even asked certain companies if I could read their set up part in their instruction manual. Some say they don't do that. I think that is a red flag right there.

...because they all said they have the best quality and bounce
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