The bottom of the bounce is a major thing to consider as most people don't know till they try both types which they prefer. Either a push or a pop feel. There are two types of bounce feels and thrusts at the bottom of the bounce. A gymnast will usually prefer the push or throw type and someone looking for recreational fun probably won't mind the pop feel. Besides this, the ballistic impact at the bottom of the bounce is the second thing I look at when determining the quality of the bottom of the bounce. That last part can feel smooth throughout or in the case of a weak spring that is tapered, it has that bottom out feeling. I personally like the springs that are tapered at the end but only if the springs don't drastically change in tension once the belly of the spring is stretched out. Springs I prefer stretch out linearly. The best way I can describe it is going into a pool and it slowly gets deeper but towards the end of the pool there is a sudden drop off and it gets super deep very quickly.
The better or the most seeked out trampolines don't have that flat bottom out feel at the bottom of the bounce. The bottom should not come too quick as the springs don't stretch out anymore because someone's weight is not heavy enough. A good spring will let you keep jumping higher the more weight and G forces created by jumping high. Some springs give even bounce throughtout and doesn't suddenly stop you at the bottom of the bounce but rather get decellerates slower and slower until it throws you back up again. The goal is to get it to slow down at close as the same speed a the person accelerates into the air and stops for that millisecond in mid air. The ballistic impact between decelleration and the point where you accelerate back up should not feel jarring. A trampoline that I like that has the best bottom of the bounce feel has about 7/8ths of the ballistic impact absorbed on the way down instead of having it more at the bottom of the bounce. Good high carbon steal springs that are sized right for the person jumping on it will give the smoothest bounce.
Remember, the belly of the spring is what gives out first. Make sure you do the test I mention on my spring page to know if your springs will hold up its inititial tension (IT) months after the belly wears out. Many people buy cheap trampolines and wonder why their trampolines feel so different than when it was new and the bottom of the bounce all the sudden feels jarring. It's the belly that is prematurely wearing out and no this is not usually covered under warranty.