First, where am I going to be bouncing on the mat. Am I going to be all oer the place or in the center mostly. Do I want to sacrifice higher ballistic impact for a mat that I need to build my leg muscles up more to get the same bounce as a deep bounce model?
If it is just me jumping, I don't mind being pulled to the center to the sweet spot but for multi-users, the total opposite.
The biggest thign is the number of free bounces I get. Some are rated for 20% to 50% more free bounces than another but that doesn't make one worse than another. For example, a spring free (fiberglass) and medal spring will have totally different free bounces per joule of energy to get to that amplitude. I have studied this in depth on my other site and the same applies to round trampolines.
Some take more energy to the the same amount of air time as the mats where the tension is very tight in the springs and either requires more weight to get momentum up or more bounces to get to the height you want.
Take the bowlign ball example of when you bounce the ball from 6 feet high. How many bounces "free bounces" do you get until it stops bouncing? This is a good testto do to figure out the exertion rate and an estimate of how the spring quality is based on the weight that is going to be bouncing on the mat. Its not a math formula (I made a D- in math) and I took extra credit and sat buy smart people during tests and still made a D-. It is a forumula from my gut intuition so if anyone tries to argue with me that I don't know what I am ta=king about, it is not something I know, its just my gut feeling after putting all the variables together.
The bowlign ball will let me know where the sweet spot is and I find out how many free bounces I get near the edge versus the center and mid center.
BPM: Bounces Per Minute
Because of the different weights and styles of jumping (arm swings, leg muscles, shoulder shrugging, and limberness of the person, the same weighted person can have different pounces per minute. This is why I use a bowlign ball. This is a fixed weight and doesn't vary. It also tells me if there are different tensions on certain sides of the mat. Remember if ou get a set of springs and they all are rated for just say 600 gram spring, if one is 580 grams and other is 610, then you can expect the same problems as the problems I have had with mini trampolines that have a few duds in the springs. You can easily take a spoon and turn it upside down and tap on each spring and hear the sound. Different weighted springs will sound either more higher pitch or more low sounding.
Note: if you dont want the extra free bounces, the extra bounces should come from the spring structure, not using muscles to create G force or arm swinging. Certain springs will store more energy and momentum in them without burning more calories than you have to. Remember, no animal tries to burn excess energy when they don't have to. Another thing that sets apart a fit person and a fit person that is fit from calorie loss, not from a body of low fat because the toxins are diffused into the lymphatic system. I feel sorry for peole that are in the gym on tread mills and especially the bike. Its sad that they ahve to resort to burning calories to lose weight. I feel so bad for people that work out in the gym and burn calories and sweat to lose weight. This is the total opposite of body homeostasis and it should be a crime. No animal in nature practices this way of exercise either. I'm sorry but many people ar not educated enough to agree or disagree with me and that is fine. I'll stop here before I offend anyone that works our or runs on a daily bassis.
Note: if the mat is too firm, most people get winded and too tired to do the high jumping that they like to do. On my quiz, let mek now if you want to expend more or less energy to get the same amount of bounces and espeically if doing flips and tricks. Some people want to drain their body of energy and calories, others want to preserve their energy.
Know the G force rating of your trampline based on your weight. Some people get back pain if the g force is too high. If you have back pain, make sure you let me know on the trampoline quiz. This will make a difference in the spring you might end up with.
Most popular complaint: "why do I have to jump near the edge to get higher bounces. When I jump in the center it sags to much and the bottom of the bounce feels too slow".
This needs to be addressed: POP vs PUSH
People have a choice between the two types. One type is popping and one is pushing.
Both can accelerate you at the same speeds. A baseball can be thrown at 50 miles per hour or it can be hit "popped" with a bat and iwthin a split second it is off at 50 miles per hour. Force vs power. One takes more energy as the ball starts from a cold start slowly building up speed. The other nearly instantly is sent off at that speed.
Examples A (taken from my other site that people seem to understand better)
Example B (taken from my other site)
1g..2g.....3g........and then the ascend 3g......2g......1.........
1g..........2g........3g... and then the ascend 3g..........2g.........1g.....
With the cheap trampolines the person has to expend so much mroe energy to get to high altitude bouncing. Most of the cheapest trampolines pop you in the air instead of having the push feel. We took on the mini trampolines with sponges the sweat off people jumped on the pop and push models and thegallons of sweat were more milky instead of clear on one type versus the other. So I know I am not over my head on this one.